How can we help you?

0-48 hrs (No refund will be done)
48hrs before trip starts - only 30% will be deducted & rest amount will be refunded.
Pickup Date / Time and Location cannot be changed. Still call our customer support, they will assist you , what best can be done.
Call our customer Support , they will cancel your Booking & will refund the amount
We at Rentnbike make sure that your money is returned to you at the soonest possible moment. With any and all kinds of transactions, it takes up to 3 to 5 working days to refund your amount after initiating the cancellation. This also depends upon your payment procedure (PAYTM OR BANK).
We would never want our customers to run into any kind of trouble while they are having fun with their trip and this is why chances are very rare that the Dealer would cancel your reservation. However, if it does happen due to an emergency, the customer is refunded 100% of the amount paid for the booking